Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Drama Skenario Sleeping and The Beast (Mix)

Long time ago, in a very beautiful kingdom, lived a very beautiful princess. Her name is Aurora. she had a sister name Belle.

Ratu         : Belle, Aurora, you are old enough. When will you get married? Iwant to      have grandchildren really soon.
Belle         : later mom, if I already get a handsome, kind, generous, and rich match.
Aurora      : RETWEET Bel! BIG RETWEET!
Belle         : follower -_-
Aurora      : up to me :p
Ratu         : okay then, are you already have a candidate or a target?
Belle         : well, I don’t have mommy. No one can make my heart beats faster until now.
Aurora      : yes mommy, my soulmate will come by himself anyway.

On the next day, there came a prince of the castle next door. His name is Stephan, he come here to find the right woman for him.

Stephan     : oh my god, when will I meet the girl who can makes my heart pounding.

Not so long, he look a girl who is very beautiful and makes his heart pounding.

Stephan    : *come suddenly* hallo, beauty. What’s your name?.
Aurora      : sorry, but who are you? My name’s aurora.
Stephan    : hallo, I’m stephan, prince from neighborhood castle. Hmm, Aurora? What a pretty name. want to be my friend?
Aurora      : *blush* hmm, alright. I want to be your friend.

Suddenly, Belle come.

Belle         : Ra, who’s this guy? One of your friend? I’ve never seen him before.
Aurora      : ah yes, he’s my new friend. I just met him a few minutes ago. He’s Stephan, a prince from nearest castle.
Stephan    : hello, my name’s Stephan and what’s your name lady?
Belle         : *blush* don’t be that polite. I’m Aurora’s sister. My name’s Belle. Nice to know you mr. nearest prince J
Stephan    : I think it’s already late. I’ve to go home. Can I meet you two again?
Aurora      : sure, anytime. How about tomorrow? at this place and at this time. It’ll be our free time.
Belle : hmm, she’s right. See you tomorrow Mr. Nice guy.
Stephan    : see you tomorrow beauties J

In Belle’s room.

King         : Belle, why are you looking so happy? Is there something you want to share with me?
Belle         : well daddy, I think I’ve fall in love today. And this is my first time feeling like this.
King         : with whom?
Belle : with our neighborhood crown prince. Prince Stephan.
King         : hey, that’s great.
Belle : so, are you allow me to be with him?
King         : sure, why not.

In Aurora’s room.

Aurora      : mommy mommy, I’m in love!
Queen       : what? That’s big news! Who’s that lucky guy?
Aurora      : hmm, are you sure you wanna know?
Queen       : of course honey. So, tell me who’s that guy?
Aurora      : he’s Stephan, mom.
Queen       : our neighborhood prince?
Aurora      : yup, how’s it?
Queen       : it’s perfect! You two will be the best couple.
Aurora      : thanks mommy J

On the next day, Belle and Aurora wait Stephan at the crown garden. After a few minutes, Stephan come.

Stephan                    : hello pretty. How’s your day?
Belle & Aurora  : GREAT! Eh? *looking to each other*
Stephan                    : haha, how funny you are.
Belle                 : me? Funny? you J
Aurora                      : not you belle, I’m the one who’s funny.
Stephan                    : stop fighting, you two are funny.
Belle                         : o..o..kay then. I wanna get some drinks for us. Wait for me, okay!
Aurora      : alright! Don’t be rushed!

When Belle go inside the castle, aurora reveal his love to Stephan.

Aurora      : Steph, I want to tell you something important.
Stephan    : what?
Aurora      : but, is it allright to tell you this?
Stephan    : hey, you haven’t told me anything.
Aurora      : i..i..i..
Stephan    : you what?
Aurora      : I love you. Do you want to be my prince?
Stephan    : what? You love me? Hey, I love you, too. Thanks goodness
Aurora      : really? So?
Stephan    : so? So what?
Aurora      : so? You haven’t told me the answer yet.
Stephan    : oh yeah. Hmmm, I want to be your prince ofcourse.

In fact, Belle saw it all and she is very very sad and angry to Aurora. Since that moment, Belle becomes very bad to Aurora. She do anything to make Aurora feels unhappy. In devil fairy’s house.

Belle                  : devil fairy..devil the door. It’s me Belle. I need your help.
Devil fairy : okay dear, come in. the door isn’t locked.
Belle                 : mrs. Devil. I need your help. I want you to give some evil curse to my sister, Aurora.
Devil fairy         : hmm, I think I can do something for you. But, are you sure want to do this?
Belle         : yes, it’s my passion to make her unhappy.
Devil fairy : okay then. It’s a great pleasure for me to curse her.

At night. Aurora’s room.

Devil fairy         : good, she already sleep. It’s my time to curse her. Wimble wimble, she’ll sleep forever when she get pricked by needle and this curse can only be broken when her true love reveal his love honestly in front of her.

After curse Aurora, devil fairy tell Belle that her job is done.

Belle         : how’s your job?
Devil fairy         : done perfectly, tomorrow, you have to make Aurora go to the castle tower. I’ve prepare lots of needle there.
Belle         : alright, thank you mrs. Devil J
Devil fairy : your welcome, Belle.

On the next morning.

Belle : Auroraaaaa, come here. I want to ask for your help.
Aurora      : what’s it Belle? I’ll do anything for you.
Belle         : that’s great. Aurora, I want to make some wraps for you. Can you get some needle. You can got those needle on this castle’s tower.
Aurora      : really? Alright, I’ll get them for you.

Aurora run to the tower to get some needle for Belle.

Aurora      : needle needle where are you….. hey, there you are my needle.

Suddenly, the needle pricked her hand.

Aurora      : aww, that’s hurt. Okay, is hould go to the castle’s clinic to stop my blood. Hmm, why do my head so heavy. *suddenly fall*

At Belle’s place.

Queen       : Belle, where’s your sister? I haven’t seen her since this morning.
Belle         : oh mom, I ask her to get me some needle. I want to make her a wrap.
Queen       : alright the, can you accompany me to look for her?
Belle : okay.

So, Belle and the queen go to the castle’s tower together.

Queen       : Auroraaaaaaaaaaa, wake up honey! Wake up!
Belle : *smile* finally. It’s over now.
Queen       : Belle? Why are you so happy? Eh, are you the one who did this?
Belle         : me? Why should? She’s my sister, right?*smile* hahhahaa.
Queen       : you…you… oh my god. *call the king* honey, come here quickly.
King         : where are you now?
Queen       : the castle’s tower.
King         : *suddenly appear* where’s her? Where’s her?
Belle : there she is. *point to aurora*
Queen       : this all happen because your lovely little daughter. She’s the one who make this all happen.
King         : what? It’s impossible. If it’s true, she must have the perfect reason to do all these things. She’s not an evil!
Queen       : oh yeah? Then, ask her. It must be because you spoil her too much.
King         : alright, I’ll talk to her later. No I’m not. I just do what a father must do. You’re the one who spoil Aurora. She must be envy because of that.
Belle         : STOP MOM DAD-_- both of you were childish. Listen this, I do all these thing because I envy my BELOVED big sis. She got mommy’s attention, and now, Stephan is her boyfriend. That’s worst!
King         : oww, don’t be sad. I always by your side Belle. I’m your daddy.
Queen       : stop all of this dad daughter reunion! We should help Aurora.

Then, the king and the queen bring Aurora to her room. But, not with Belle. She goes to the evil fairy

Belle                 : mrs. Devil….. Mrs. devil…… it’s me Belle. Open the door please!
Devil fairy : `just open the door. It’s not locked.
Belle         : okay then, I’m in!

Inside Devil fairy’s house.

Devil fairy : hello, Belle. What’s up? Is our plan did perfectly?
Belle                 : ofcourse, it’s all because of you. Thank you soooo much :* *handphone ringing* hello, mom i should go home? Alright, I’ll be there.
Devil fairy : oh great, now, you should go home.
Belle         : alright, you’re my best fairy ever!

In the castle.

Queen               : poor my Aurora. It’s because of Belle. She have to pay for all she did, and you have to help me.
King                 : no and never. I don’t want to buttin with your plan. I hate what she did to her sister. But, I love her too.
Queen               : alright, just give me the Kind fairy phone number.
King                 : just search in my handphone.
Queen               : *search the phone number* *call the Kind fairy* hello, is this Mrs. Kind number?
Kind fairy : yes, who’s this? Is there anything I can help?
Queen               : I’m the queen. I need your help so much. Can you come to the castle right now?
Kind fairy     : *suddenly appear* hello my queen? What’s the problem. I’ll help you with all of my strength.
Queen               : can you search who’s the one who curse my beloved Aurora? I know Belle ask someone who help her to curse Aurora.
Kind fairy : *innocent face* it must be her!
Queen               : her? Who’s her?
Kind fairy         : it must be the devil fairy. She’s my strongest enemy.
Belle                 : *knock the door* mom, dad. I’m here. Open the door!
King                 : *open the door* oh, there you are honey.
Belle         : ahh, daddy. What’s wrong? Why’s kind fairy here?
Queen               : is that devil fairy the one who help you?
Belle         : hhhh…..hhh. how can you know that?
Kind fairy         : I’m the one who told her. By the way, That’s true right?
Belle         : yup, that’s true. So? What? Problem for you?
Kind fairy : yes, it is. She’s evil.
Belle         : I know.
Kind fairy         : you….. *curse Belle in to stone* now, you can’t do anything. I will release you when you realize what you’re doing is wrong. Now, if you want to help aurora, you should find her truly half.
King                 : after that, you HAVE to release Belle.
Kind fairy : just if she want to say her apologize to us.
Queen               : now, let’s find Stephan!
King                 : sorry, but I’ll just stay here and take care of my daughters. *looking to Belle and Aurora.*

In Stephan’s place. In the garden.

Stephan            : where’s Aurora. I miss her so much. I couldn’t live without her smile.
Queen               : Stephan! Strephan! Where are you? We need your help!
Stephan            : *appear* I’m here. What’s wrong? Is there something happen with my Aurora.
Queen               : oh thanks god you’re here. I need your help so much. You have to go with us to the castle. Aurora needs you’re help so much.
Stephan            : bbb…but, what’s wrong?
Kind fairy : we’ll tell you later.

So, the three of them went back to the castle.
In devil fairy house.

Devil fairy         : geezzz, where’s Belle? She doesn’t give me any information about Aurora’s condition. Or maybe something bad happens to her. Oh god, I don’t want any bad things happen to her. Hmm, maybe I should take a look to my magic mirror.
Devil fairy         :*mirror mirror on my hand. Where’s Belle right now?*
Mirror               : she’s in the palace. The kind fairy cursed her into stone.
Devil fairy         : what? The kind fairy cursed her into stone? Hmm, she’s addicted to malin kundang’s story I think. By the way, I should help Belle anyway.

In the castle Queen, Prince Stephan and kind fairy arrived in there

King                 : how can we make heal aurora?
Kind fairy         : the only one to heal aurora is Stephan must kiss aurora. And then the curse wont able.
Queen               : ohh it’s good. My beloved daughter will be heal. Come on Stephan, please kiss aurora
Stephan            : but… Queen I..I..
Kinda Fairy       : just only you can heal aurora
Queen               : please Stephan, please….
Stephan            : ok I will

When Stephan want to kiss Aurora Devil Fairy come into that room

Devil Fairy        : you can’t make aurora’s heal. If you still want to you must fight with me. (and then all of  people in there was shock)
Kind Fairy        : ohh. You never change into good person. You always curse people who doesn’t guilty. I will fight with you

The devil fairy lose with the fighting and she die.

Kind Fairy        : finally it was end. Stephan come on kiss aurora.
Stephan            : ok kind fairy.

And when Stephan kiss aurora the curse gone. And aurora wake up from her long sleep.
Aurora              : hoaaaaaammmm……
Queen               : ohh my beloved daughter, finally you wake up. Thank you Stephan you help her.
Stephan            :  you are welcome.
Aurora              : Stephan? Why you’re here. Why everyone look so bad. Hmm, why I feel so hungry.
King                 : wait a moment. How about belle? Kind fairy please change her please.
Kind Fairy : just if she promise me won’t hurt Aurora anymore.
Aurora              : what’s wrong with Belle?
King                 : she’s cursed by kind fairy because she ask the evil to curse you. And she did that because she’s envy of you. By the way, how we can know that? She’s stone now. I-di-ot!
Kind fairy         : when she drop her first tears, it means she realize that everything she did is wrong.and, She’ll be back into human.
Belle         : *cry* sob..sob…
King                 : belle’s crying!
Belle                 : mom, dad, sister, I’m sorry… sob..sob.. I won’t do that again. I feel so guilty. I’m sorry *fell down* I’m sorry… sob..sob..
Aurora              : it’s alright, Belle. It’s my fault too. I don’t even know about your trus feeling to Stephan. I just thinking all about my self.
Queen               : this is my fault too. I never be good mother to you. Sorry.
King                 : this is better. But, Belle. Can you let Stephan marry your sister?
Stephan            : yes bell, I’m sorry. But, I love her so much. can you let me?
Aurora              : if you can let us, it’s alright. I’ll accept all your decision.
Belle                 : No….. *silent* No, I don’t accept this. But, I agree of this. I want to see you happy Aurora. I won’t do something stupid anymore and I don’t want to hurt Stephan’s feeling too.
Kind Fairy        : then, why don’t you ask her to marry you Stephan?
Stephan            : alright, *take out ring box* *open the box* want you marry me Aurora?
Aurora              : yes! Why should I say no.
King                 : alright, tomorrow is the ballroom party.

On the ballroom night.

Belle                 : Mommy, Daddy, Where’s Aurora? She’s the party holder. She has to be here.
Aurora              : I’m hereeeee. Sorry.
Stephan            : she’s with me, Belle. Sorry. I take her out without your permission.
Belle         : it’s alright. Now, it’s time to dance everyone!!!!!!!!!

so, Aurora, Stephan, King, Queen, Belle and all of the guests dance all the night.

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